

This beautiful girl is looking for her new home. She’s a great dog with a ton of potential.
Athena is a 10 month old female, German Shepherd mix. She currently weighs 53 pounds. She has already been spayed, vaccinated and microchipped.
She is a very happy, loving and smart puppy! She’s been raised around kids and dogs and is such a great loyal family dog. She’s very treat motivated which helps with her training. She can be shy and nervous with new things and places until she adjusts.
Athena is crate trained although she can escape simple crates when she wants to. Shes decent on a leash but is easily distracted and busy on walks. She’s great on car rides. She’s mostly potty trained. Most of her accidents come from her current family being gone to long for her to hold it.
She is excellent with children. Very sweet and loving toward them. She’s been wonderful with other dogs. She loves having another dog to play with. She’s never been around cats so we are unsure how she would do.
Athena is already an energetic playful pup. Please don’t adopt this pup if you’re not dedicated to exercising your dog every single day, both mentally and physically. Otherwise you’ll end up with a bored, frustrated and destructive dog.
She will do best with a fenced yard. She will not do well in an apartment. She needs space to run and loves being outside. She has so far not been one to try escaping from the yard.
We’ve seen no issues with her sharing food treats or toys with humans or other pets. If she gets bored and doesn’t have lots of toys and bones she is still in the puppy stage of getting into things she shouldn’t. It’s manageable but takes effort from her family.
Adopting a puppy is a ton of work. They will have lots of potty accidents, chew things up etc. You will need to help them learn things like leash walking, crate training and basic manners. It can be a lot of work but the reward is a dog that fits well into your families lifestyle if you invest proper time on training with them. Please carefully consider the time and effort a puppy requires before adopting.
Overall Athena is a beautiful, happy and loving puppy. She’s super smart and eager to please. She just needs a home willing to give her the time and training needed to be her best self.
Vet and home checks required.
Located in Hampton VA.
(She will need to be adopted within a 2 hour drive radius)
‼️Please message the Village Dog Resource Facebook Page directly with questions or to get an application.‼️


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