She’s a tiny little love bug looking for a new home.
Daisey is a 3yr old, female, chihuahua mix. She weighs approx 4 pounds.
She’s not your typical chi. She’s not yappie and she’s very social with everyone! She’s happy and playful and also loves to cuddle.
Daisey does great in the car, great on a leash and is quiet and content in her kennel. She isn’t destructive when left out in the house and has done great with potty training.
She does fine with cats and dogs. She can be mouth at first meeting of another dog but she’s all talk. She is also great with kids.
Daisey has no food or other aggression. She’s pretty perfect and as a bonus she looks adorable in little puppy clothes.
She’s up for walks, playing and cuddling. Really can’t say enough about how pleasant she is to have around.
She will go to her new home spayed, microchipped and up to date on shots.
Vet and home checks required.
Yorktown VA
(Dog is posted under 501c3, non profit, Dog Rescue Unchain America. Tax ID # 81-4225365. This follows all Facebook rules for animal Rehoming.)
What must I do to meet Daisy Mae?? I’m extremely interested in adopting this sweet baby angel & have had many chihuahuas in my life. My girl Lucy died about two years ago at age 16, and I finally feel ready to adopt again!
I apologize for the delay, I was unable to access the website for awhile. Daisey Mae has recently been adopted