He was saved from a small rural shelter and is looking for an awesome new home!
Dutch is a male, 6 month old, Mix breed, weighing approx 35 pounds.
He is a very sweet and fun loving boy. He loves to play and cuddle.
Dutch does great with other dogs but has not been around cats yet. He does great with kids.
He will go to his new home neutered, microchipped, and up to date on shots.
Dutch is doing well with potty training, he isn’t a fan of his kennel but will use it. He is great on car rides. He is still a puppy and will require someone willing to help him continue to learn.
He loves playing. Ball is a favorite for him. He’s a big goofy love bug!
Vet and home checks required
Yorktown VA
***This is not my personal dog. He is posted under 501c3, non profit, Dog Rescue Unchain America. Tax ID # 81-4225365. This follows all Facebook rules for animal Rehoming.
What’s the cost for adoption? Is he dog friendly? What is he mixed with?
I apologize for the delay, I was unable to access the website for awhile. Dutch has recently been adopted