This magnificent boy is looking for a new family!
Ghost is a 3 year old, male, Malinois. He weighs approx 100 pounds. He is neutered, microchipped and up to date on his shots.
He is a very intelligent, high energy dog. He has alot of energy and would do best with an active household.
Ghost is perfectly potty trained and is crate trained. He does well with kids but will only go to a home with older kids. This is due to his size and energy along with his food issues. He does well with cats and dogs but does have food agression. He would do best being fed inside of his crate to avoid any issues. With his food agression in mind bones, food and other high value treats need to be kept up from him.
*** Ghost can be aggressive toward humans over high value treats such as greenies. If you do not have experience with this breed and/or this specific training issue he is NOT the dog for you. (He has never bitten anyone)
He does well with car rides but is not leash trained. He is extremely playful and enjoys any game that includes a ball. He knows a long list of comands (Sit, stay, shake, speak, whisper etc.) and is an overall good dog.
Ghost is true to his breed and needs almost constant activity. He needs both physical and mental stimulation daily. The is a difficult breed to own and keep up with. Do your research on the breed before inquiring about him.
He will absolutely not go to any home without a properly fenced yard that’s large enough for him to play in.
Hampton, Va
***this is not my personal dog. I’m helping the family pick a safe new home for him.
(Dog is posted under 501c3, non profit Dog Rescue Unchain America. Tax ID # 81-4225365. This follows all Facebook rules for animal Rehoming.)
I would be interested in seeing if ghost would fit in with my family.
I would love to meet Ghost. I previously had a pure bread german shepherd. My ex husband was suppose to share her with me and he chose not to keep that promise made. So i am actively looking for a dog, whether it be a puppy or german shepherd. I use to take my dog to daycare three days a week with a local company and he was watching a belgium malinois that i loved. He was super smart , super cool dog. I took my puppy to on command dog training, daycare, etc. I’d love to see if he would be a good match for me. I have my own house, fenced in back yard. I live in hampton.
Melanie Mingee
When you send the application back to us, we will note that you’re also interested in Ghost 🙂