This sweet little lady is ready for a new family!
Jenna is a 4 year old, female, Jack Russell mix. She weighs approx. 25 pounds.(she’s overweight and needs a good diet and exercise)
She will be spayed, up to date on shots and microchipped as part of her adoption.
Jenna is a mellow girl with moderate energy. She is crate trained, walks well on a leash, is mostly potty trained (she has done well while on a routine with her foster) and she does well on car rides.
She would be best with older children, she does well with kids but can be nervous when someone gets in her face, so older kids are recommended. She does well with both dogs and cats that respect her space and arent overly jumpy.
Her ideal family is a calmer family she can cuddle with and love on with the patience to let her settle in. She would do great with a Senior home also.
Jennas family was no longer able to keep her due to living situations changing.
Vet and home checks required.
Located in Portsmouth, Va
***This is not my personal dog. He is posted under 501c3, non profit, Dog Rescue Unchain America. Tax ID # 81-4225365. This follows all Facebook rules for animal Rehoming.