Leo is a fun loving, high energy dog looking for a comparable home.

2 year old, male, border collie/Carolina dog mix. He weighs approx 40 pounds.

He is neutered and up to date on shots.

He’s crate trained and does well on a leash with some excited pulling at times. He does better left in a gated off room vs the crate due to anxiety.

Leo is my loyal and energetic protector. He has energy for DAYS. He LOVES car rides and hikes. His speed and agility is extremely impressive. He can turn on a dime. He would make an awesome agility dog.

He does have some anxiety issues and lack of socialization. He isn’t great with other dogs or meeting new people. He’s never been around cats. He should go to a home with no small children.

Leo does have a very sensitive stomach so he tends to need probiotics on a semi regular basis and a consistent diet.

He completed two weeks in a board and train course in December and we’ve been doing 1-2x a week training classes. He knows all of his basic commands.

Leo will need a very special home to love him despite his quirks and issues. He will also need an active fun loving home!

Vet and home checks required. Please message or comment for details on how to make Leo a part of your family!

Located in Virginia Beach VA




** this is not my personal dog. I’m helping his owner find him a safe new home.

3 thoughts on “LEO”

  1. Is he still available? I have an older female already. But she gets along with everybody. Id be interested in meeting him.

    1. Thank you for your interest in Leo. Unfortunately, Leo is no longer available for adoption. Village Dog Resource on Facebook has our most recent dogs that are available, as well as a link for requesting an application. I hope you find the perfect pooch!

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