Meet Paxton!!
He’s an energetic love bug looking for a new home.
Paxton is a 14 month old, male, purebred lab. He weighs approx 45 pounds.
He will be neuteted, up to date on shots and microchipped as part of his adoption.
He is a typical lab. Water, balls, toys, and a family to love on and hes in heaven!
Paxton rides well in the car and is great on a leash. He does well in the home and is crate trained. He has not been destructive when left out of the crate for short times but is quiet in his crate when crated. He also appears to be house trained and knows how to sit.
He does great with cats and dogs. He also did great meeting kids.
Paxton has no food or other aggression.
He’s up for walks, playing and cuddling. He’s a well rounded, happy dog that would fit well into any family.
Vet and home checks required.
Portsmouth, VA
Is he still available. I love labs.
Is he still available
Is Paxton still available for adoption. You should have my application on file.