Meet Sadie Sue!!
Gentle girl with lots of love to give.
Sadie Sue is an 7 year old, female, Australian Shepherd Mix. She weighs approximately 45lbs.
She is good other dogs, good with kids and does well with cats. Every now and then she gets the zoomies and will “chase” the cat. It lasts half a second and she happily just walks off. She has never hurt a cat and sometimes the cat turns around instead of running and they play instead!
Sadie Sue has a moderate energy level. While she enjoys going for a walk and getting out to play she can be a couch potato. She enjoys cuddling and will snuggle up under the blankets if you let her. She knows how to sit and lay down, she will also put her paw up when asked.
She is leash trained and is wonderful in the car. She is crate trained. While she can be left out of the crate and not be destructive sometimes “goodies” are to good to pass up and she will take food if left out in the kitchen/trash. Putting her in the crate easily saves her from any temptations when you are gone š.
She must go to a home with a fenced in yard. She was perfectly house trained until her old owner had to move into an apartment where it was learned Sadie will not potty on a leash, she has to run loose in the yard to do her business.
No matter how long they stayed out on leash to potty she would not go until she was back inside. Since being in her foster home where she can go out in the yard she has gone back to being housetrained. She will use the dog door or let you know she needs to go out.
Sadie Sue has not shown any aggression at all. She loves everyone and enjoys meeting new people.
She will go to her new home spayed, up to date on shots, and microchipped. She is also current on heartworm prevention and flea prevention.
*Must have a fenced in yard*
Vet and home checks required.
Located in Portsmouth Va
Is Sadie Sue still available?
Hello, Iām interested in her. I have a same exactly dog but male. Iām looking for a company for him. Thank you
Thank you for your interest in Sadie Sue. I have forwarded your information to the person in charge of applications.
I am interested in meeting Sadie if she is still available
Thank you so much for your interest in Sadie Sue. I have forwarded your information to the person in charge of applications.
I like to learn more about adopting Sadie Sue and her adoption cost.
Thank you for your interest in Roosevelt and Sadie! I have forwarded your information to the person in charge of applications.