Chi Chi

Meet Chi Chi!!

The little boy came from absolutely awful conditions but now he’s ready for a real

***Working on new photos. He likes to be so close to me it’s hard to get good ones without help***

Chi Chi is an 8 month old, male, chihuahua mix, he weighs approx 10 pounds.

He is not your typical chihuahua. He’s not yappie and is very playful and sweet. He has an awesome personality that is sure to put a smile on your face!

Chi Chi is shy at first with new people and situations due to his previous living conditions but even scared he is not biting, growling etc. He just moves away from what scares him. He truly wants love and even when scared he keeps trying to come to you and snuggle or play.

He has been good with other dogs and has done well with kids. I do not have cats to test him with. His gentle nature leads me to believe he would be fine with them.

Chi Chi is a really sweet boy. He’s playful once he gets to know you. He’s quiet and kennels well. So far he’s doing wonderful with potty training but its all new to him so there may be accidents.

He does well on car rides and does well on a leash. He doesn’t pull but would be best on a harness in case he gets scared. That way he won’t back out of his collar if he gets nervous.

Chi Chi will be neutered, microchipped and up to date on shots as part of his adoption. He’s also current on Heartworm prevention and flea and tick prevention.

He has come a long way in just a short time. I’ve included a photo of his kennel which was his entire home. He lived in it. Please know he’s a special guy who deserves only the best family after what he’s been through.

Home and vet checks required.

Yorktown VA

7 thoughts on “Chi Chi”


    Hi I have a 18 year old Standerd Chihuahua he has been the love of my life since day 1. I know his age is increasing and daily I am reminded and so is he. Just making sure hes comfortable daily is my number one goal. I would love the opportunity to give ChiChi a forever home. I am a widow with no children he would have all of my love and attention. Has he been adopted yet? Thank you for your time
    Bonnie McCaffrey

    1. Hi Bonnie! Thank you for your interest in Chi Chi. It sounds as if you and your “baby” take great care of each other. I have forwarded your information to the person in charge of applications/adoptions.

      1. Thank you! I am filling out the application now! I hope you have a wonderful weekend. Thank you for all you do!

    1. Hi! Thank you for your interest in Chi Chi! I’ve forwarded your information to the person in charge of applications/adoptions and asked her to send you more information.

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