Shes a sweet puppy looking for a family to love.
Malu is an approx 5 month old, female, mix breed and weighs approx 15-20 pounds. She appears to be a small to medium dog full grown. Her exact breed is unknown. Possibly Mountain Feist. Added an image of one in the photos.
She has been good with other dogs. She’s met one cat, was curious then scared so I think she will be okay around them. She is fantastic with kids. She’s lived with kids ages 2-10 and plays very gently and well with them.
Malu will go to her new home spayed, microchipped and updated on shots.
She is leash and crate trained. She does get sick on car rides sometimes.
Malu is used to being left out in the house but hasn’t grasped potty training 100%. Crate training will help with that. She sleeps in the kids beds at night.
She has a moderate energy level. She’s playful but also calm. She still has some puppy chewing to get through so lots of toys and bones around will help her stay chewing on the right things.
Malu is playful and fun loving dog. She loves zooming around the yard. She would be a great addition to any family.
Vet and home checks required. Rehoming fee $200, to help cover some of her vet costs.
Yorktown VA
This is not my personal dog. I took her in to help the owner with finding her a safe new home.