Shes a sweet and loving lady looking for a lap to keep warm.
Oreo is a 10 month old, female, pitbull. She weighs approx 30 pounds. She is the black and white dog in the photos.
Shes been good with other dogs and lives with a 7 and 9 year old. She does well with the kids and loves to sleep on their laps. She has not been around cats.
Oreo Is crate trained, potty trained, leash trained and loves car rides. She is an energetic greeter and then calms down fairly quickly.
She knows commands such as; Sit and Stay and loves to play fetch. She is also big on cuddling and giving kisses. She really is a sweet family dog. She is only being rehomed because the families other dog, her sister, has started attacking her.
Oreo will have all her shots updated and be spayed for her new family.
Vet and home checks required. Rehoming fee of $200 (to help cover costs to update all her vet work)
She will also come with her kennel
Hampton Va.
**This is not my personal dog. I am helping the family get her vetted and into a safe new home.