Meet Zina!!
Unique and awesome dog who is searching for her forever home.
Zina is a 1.5 year old, female, Bull Terrier. She weighs approximately 25lbs.
She will be spayed, up to date on shots and microchipped as part of her adoption.
Zina is good other dogs and is good with kids.
She is extremely loving with dogs however we recommend no cats. She really enjoys playing “chase” with them and does not know when to stop. She does not hurt the cats and is clearly just playing with them but does not know when to stop.
Zina is an entergetic girl looking for an active family. She loves other dogs and children and is working on not jumping. Her previous home kept her crayed 24/7 so she is working hard on her manners.
She walks well usually on a leash with occasional pulling, she has been working on that. She is wonderful in the car. She is also crate trained. She’s perfect outside of the crate and is not destructive.
Her original home mentioned her not liking to share her food so she is fed in her crate.
If you are looking for a sweet, loyal dog that would love to do everything with you then she is your girl!
She’s an amazing girl with so much love to give!
Vet and home checks required.
Located in Portsmouth Va
Shes beautiful….. 😍
Is Zina still available?